Friday, December 28, 2007

Next Time = zero.

It's got to be up in the thousands by now...
the number of times this has happened.

I've become a better person because of it, and I've learned a lot about people...especially those living in bitterness and anger. I've learned that they are miserable and their desire is for everyone else to live at the same level. The things they accuse others of are perhaps the very same things that can be spoken about their own lifestyle.

I won't let this happen to me next time, oh wait I forgot...there won't be a next time. I'm done. For real this time. I will move on.

Moving on with life, with friends, with the man of my dreams, with school, and with being me...Tiffany Hope.

Yes there's hope...more than just my middle name. But it's all found in God and the Holy Spirit.

I've tried, I've begged, I've talked, and I've pleaded... but it hasn't changed. It just gotten worse. I take myself out and away from it...her.

It's up to God and her now... she'll have to answer for it someday.

Until then... I'm not letting her get in my way.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rotten Fruit

Bitter, Angry, Jealous, Unforgiving, Manipulative, Controlling, Naggy, and Negative.

If the above are the primary fruits one produces, what can be said about their relationships with others? What does it say about their relationship with Christ? It is Rotten, or it is rotting.

I don't ever want to have people to have to sit and "rack their brains" in order to find one fruit of the spirit that they see I possess and show on a regular basis. I never want to get to the point that some people do.

I don't want to become a hypocrite that is fake and inconsistent. I don't want to be one person at church or in public, and then a totally different person in the home or with my husband and children.
I want to be authentic, real, and the same person all the matter who I am around. I want to have character and good integrity... do the right things when no one else is watching me or around. I don't want to produce rotten fruit and allow it to affect my character as a woman of God and minister/minister's wife. (future)

I see now why some things have happened. Then, I thought they were ridiculous, absurd, and even a little unfair. Now I see, they are only consequences some people have to experience for allowing rotten fruit to grow in their lives. Now that I see... I have to say that I understand now. Although, it affected more than themselves... it was the best option and choice.

Thank you Jesus for pulling me out of the situation and for fulfilling your promise you spoke to me in the midst of that trouble. Thank you for a new heart. Thank you for a new mind. Thank you for new emotions. Thank you for a new life.