Thursday, May 10, 2007


We all have those times in life when God seems to pull out the very tiniest of tiny things in fr om our flesh. We should all make sure we clean our hearts out daily, but sometimes I find that the Lord is sending me through an extra purification process. The little things that could seem minute to others and even to myself, really do matter to God.


It's a word I've been becomming extremely familiar with lately. Admitting I'm not as strong as I want to be. Admitting I'm not as strong even as I want to be.

Since going to college and becomming "my own person" I think I've lost a sense of humility. Not in the way of "I think I'm better" or "I'm the best" or "I've got all these talents". Moreso in a way of not wanting to admit that every now and then I need a little help.

When someone offers to do a favor for you, you should graciously accept. I always tell them thanks, but I've got it under control... because I've become wrapped up with the "I can do it all by myself" attitude because I'm my own person.

I've been blessed with amazing parents, who love me dearly. By no means are they rich, but they have always been really smart with their money. They also sacrifice to the extremes just to make sure I have a good life and go far in life. Not only are they paying for my college (PRAISE THE BABY JESUS), but they also offer at time to give me money just because. I try to turn it down, because I want them to think that I've got it all under control because remember, I'm my own person.

After two years of this... God has begun to deal with me. They offer to help because they love me, not because they see me as weak. I need to accept the money they offer, because I'm actually accepting their love. Them offering to help me out financially is only an act of love... it's a way of saying "We love you Tiffany, hope this helps you out some".


I'm learning it. And a whole new meaning to go along with it.

1 comment:

Josh Pearman said...

you are simply put.
