Thursday, June 7, 2007

Whirlwinds, Roller Coasters, and Chilling

So I guess that I've prove true that I'm not one to update these things too often. I let it slip by.

yep, slip right on by.

Whirlwinds of things have happened since I last posted.

Relationship mended.
Jobs started.
swim team recruiting done.
asked to lead a small group by myself.
slept in to 11:00 am 2 days in a row.
went to a water park.
sat in the booking room at the local jail and fingerprinted.
and I've been bored too.

Life is great. It really is.

It's an adventure.

It's a roller coaster with its ups and downs almost daily.

But it's not so much about those ups and downs, it's about how we choose to handle them.

So much is going on that I forget to chill out and just reflect.

Reflect on the day, the week, and even the month at times.

I've got to do better at this.

Better at reflecting.
Better at chilling.
Better at relaxing.
Better at letting my mind rest.
Better at being still and knowing that He is God.

1 comment:

Josh Pearman said...

better at copying my style of blogging.



you've got to work on your...



but i still love you.

i mean...

imitation is the simplist form

of flattery.