Friday, May 11, 2007



It's pretty strong inside right now, and I'm not sure what to do about it.

Ever did something that pretty much just slapped you right back in the face? Yea, I did. Tonight.

I'm sorry.

It just doesn't really do justice though to the way I feel now. Anything, I'd do anything. Just to make it better. I want there to be a way to erase that from your mind and my mind.

Like a dart piercing you in the heart, I'm sure that's how it felt. Now in mine, it's a stabbing numbing pain... just knowing I hurt the one I love the most in such a vast way.

They very thing you needed from me... I gave the opposite. I made things worse, not better.

Sorry I'm not there yet. At that place where you need me to be. I'm not perfect. My actions are not perfect. The words that come out of my mouth are not perfect. I want it to be perfect though.

I'm still your cheerleader.

your supporter

your #1 Fan

your encouragement.

I'm sorry I failed this time.

Oh Lord, what am I to do. I screwed up big time. I've got myself in a hole, a big one. I need this to be better... HE needs this to be better.

1 comment:

Josh Pearman said...

don't sweat it baby.

you know i'll always love you!